Half of the world's population will experience the menopause, so it is important there is more awareness around what to expect and how regular strength training can help off-set the symptoms.
The menopause commonly occurs when a woman is in her 50's, but can occur earlier.
It is a natural part of ageing when reproductive hormones are no longer produced, and a woman has gone 12 months without a menstrual period.
Symptoms can include hot flushes, low mood and energy, trouble sleeping, joint pain and a slower metabolism.
Therefore there are a number of physical changes that can be expected, such as, loss of muscle mass and bone density, and increased body fat storage.

Therefore it is important that the benefits of continuing to exercise, and strength training specifically, are better understood!
It is understandable that the symptoms and physical changes can have a negative effect mentally.
Exercise in general is proven to improve mood through the release of endorphins (feel good hormones).
Daily energy levels will also increase just from being more active, and motivate to do more.
As we age, strength training is crucial to not only building muscle, but maintaining it.
“If you don’t move it, you lose it”
And the stronger we are, the better prepared for our later years; daily tasks and keeping up with younger generations.
Postmenopausal women are at a higher risk of osteoporosis (brittle bones)
Strength training not only improves muscle tone, but also bone density.
Changes in hormones can lead to slower metabolism and increased body fat; commonly around the stomach area.
Progressively challenging the body each week with a structured strength program will help increase muscle tone, which then requires more calories to burn.

My best advice for getting started with training around the menopause, is to seek professional coaching
That way, you can focus on technique first to reduce the risk of injury, and then gradually progress each week.
Make it a part of your weekly routine and be patient, the results can be life changing and greatly offset the negative effects of the menopause - as many of our members have found out!
If you’d like more advice on how to get started at our private personal training facility in Rotherham, fill out an enquiry form and we'll get right back to you with exactly how we could help.